Roadtrip Log – Missouri

Hi!  So, last weekend it was my birthday and I turned 15 on September 15th.  For a little celebration, we took a trip to Missouri!  Now you guys know I'm a fan of A Beautiful Mess, so I wanted to go to Red Velvet.  That's what we planned the trip around, but we also went to a museum and zoo in St. Louis.  It was a super awesome trip.  We left Thursday the 13th and drove five hours to St. Louis.  The first stop was the Gateway Arch, of course!  We walked around the museum and then went up it in a tram.  That was awesome!  My mom got freaked out on the way up though from the bumping and jolting.  :)

These pictures I took at the top of the arch.  Aren't they cool?  They look like miniature models.

 Next stop was the City Museum, the most awesome museum I have ever been in.  Everything in it was made from recyclable materials.  There were tunnels and caves and a ten-story slide and super cool decoration stuff.  You can go everywhere and there are NO MAPS!  That was the coolest part.  I didn't take a ton of pictures, I was too busy running around.

 This was the ceiling.  Those shiny things are strips of silvery fabric.  Awesooome!
1. A huge collection of pencils.  2. The side of a building looking up from the ground.  I was in the middle of a labyrinth of caves.  3. A cool design on a metal fencing.  4. A wall made out of these cool wood box things.  5. A wall made out of those metal pans you use in a cafeteria.  6. My brother in the ball pit.  7. A r-bar spring going from bottom floor to second floor.  Yes, you can climb up it.  8. One of a few walls covered in old letterpressing stamp things.  These were COOL.  9. A Ferris wheel on the roof.  It was awesome!

Throughout the trip, I took pictures of my shoes (don't laugh) at each place we stopped.  Okay!  Well, tomorrow I'll post Part 2 of this trip.  It's my favorite part – Red Velvet!  And I met someone who has an awesome blog.  xo, Ella


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